Highly Perceptive People Academy

Loved, Seen, Heard

by: Tiffany Cano

Meet your host Tiffany..

Tiffany Cano is the CEO of Highly Perceptive People Academy. She has been getting paid for healing since she was 8 years old. Many empaths, intuitives, transformational workshop leaders and coaches hire her to help them see and heal their blinds pots, be better at holding space and boundaries because most are overwhelmed, subconsciously guarded, take things personally and contract when feeling fear and negativity. So she helps them be more clear and trust their intuition, feel safe to take confident and empowered action and own your sense of Self. In essence, Tiffany gets you even more aligned and congruent so that you can be even better at receiving more money, love and joy!

Tiffany will be featured in 3 upcoming A-List Transformation Movie Documentaries: Frequency of Miracles, Pillars of Power, and Rise of the Lioness.

She is also the creator of “Soul of An Empath” Podcast, the “Knowing You” Show, Embodiment Program: Conscious Creation, Love & Empowerment, and the Highly Perceptive People Online Program.

Super Short Bio: Tiffany Cano, CEO of Highly Perceptive People Academy, helps empaths and intuitives to heal their blind spots, set boundaries, and align with more money, love, and joy.

Tiffany is a Featured Expert in 3 Upcoming Movie Series

Releasing Fall 2025

Releasing Fall 2025

Releasing Early 2026

Watch for these movies on Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, Gaia & possibly in the theaters.


Radio, Podcast and TV Interviews with Tiffany Cano

Tiffany leading a Spiritual Retreat in India

Topic Options

  • From Blind Spots to Bright Spots

  • Magnetic Prosperity: Align Your Energy, Clear Money Blocks & Attract Clients with Ease

  • Discovering the Blindspots effecting your prosperity, relationships and health.

  • Holding Space and Boundaries to eliminate overwhelm, feeling safer, and a greater connection to Source and to your loved ones

  • Using intuition and surrender to live a divinely guided and empowered life.

  • Creating a Money Space to attract greater prosperity and abundance into your life.


  • How did you get started in healing?

  • What kinds of things do you see clairvoyantly?

  • How do you help people with their blindspots?

  • Why do you feel its important to be congruent?

  • I know that you also do work with teaching people about having healthy space and boundaries, can you please describe that to us?

  • Optional: Would you be willing to do on the spot intuitive reading and/or healing for our audience?

    ( I can do it as a group healing or we can take callers and I can answer their Q’s and do coaching/healing/intuitive reading.)

  • Can you please talk to me about “Money Space?”

  • Why do you think people are not yet living their life to their fullest potential?

  • Will tell us about your podcast, and upcoming projects or events that you have coming up?

  • What do you suggest as a good next step to be better with generating prosperity? Don ‘t you have a free gift that will help people with that?

Free Gift Options...

  • Money Magnet Program: 20 Minute Prosperity Healings over 20 Days.

  • Insight: Discovering the 9 Blocks to Success, Love, Health & Spiritual Oneness: 7 Hours of content within this online course with videos, worksheets, healing audios.

  • Cultivating Inner Strength: Guided Healing Audio.

  • Loved: Guided Healing Audio to heal the inner child starting from pre-conception, in the womb, first few years of life. It is a great way to feel loved, seen, heard, understood, safe and that you belong.

Shows that have Interviewed Tiffany:

The Los Angeles Tribune Marketers Forum, Tiffany Cano co-hosted the panel interview for The Pillars of Power

Start at 4 hours in

Tiffany Cano co-hosted the Los Angeles Tribune's Marketers Forum Panel Interview for Rise of the Lioness Movie

Start at 7 hours & 22 minutes in

The Los Angeles Tribune Marketers Forum, Tiffany Cano co-hosted the panel interview for The Pillars of Power

Start at 3 hours in

Joe Ingram, Sales Genius Podcast War Games Groups, Unveiling an Entrepreneur's Blind Spots with Tiffany Cano

Happy Clients say…

“Listening to Tiffany’s “Guided Meditation on Forgiveness” allows me to let go of built-up resentment, old judgment, and anger. Her guided meditation is a gift to receive. A gift that gives freedom, happiness, and sense of ease.”

Lynn Hardin

Elementary School Principle

“Working with Tiffany, I was able to open up my heart again. I didn’t even realize that I was still holding on to pain, suffering and anger from a divorce that occurred almost 6 years ago. Using forgiveness clearings, Tiffany brought love back into my life which had an immediate positive impact on my children, family, friends and business results.”

Amy R

Transformational Workshop Leader

“Working with Tiffany, I was able to open up my heart again. I didn’t even realize that I was still holding on to pain, suffering and anger from a divorce that occurred almost 6 years ago. Using forgiveness clearings, Tiffany brought love back into my life which had an immediate positive impact on my children, family, friends and business results.”


International Consultant