Are You Ready to Heal Your Blind Spots?

  • Heal Your Blind Spots

  • Empowerment

  • Wellness

  • Receiving Magnet

  • Be a Yes to Love

Would these be helpful for you?

Receiving Magnet

Releasing subconscious guards, walls, shields, and blocks affecting connection and the ability to receive even more Love, Money, Blessings and good things in your life.

Deep Healing

Release your subconscious old core wounds, beliefs & traumas blocking you from standing in your power and manifesting the life that you want.

Clarity & Trust

Increasing intuition and confidently taking action on your insights to embody Success.

Meet Gina and read about her experience with Tiffany:

1) Why did you choose to work with Tiffany?

I chose to work with Tiffany because I could feel how genuine she was and she made me feel safe. My life felt like it was on a hamster wheel, one problem after another impacting me and never getting any relief. I was hopeful that I could feel better and finally release all the things that were plaguing me for so many years.

2) How did you feel before working with Tiffany?

I was depressed, negative, and sad, walking through life unable to feel anything. My life felt flat and unfulfilling. I was exhausted from all I had been through and just couldn't find a glimpse of happiness. I worked with Tiffany on releasing childhood wounds, the emotional wounds from my marriage and my divorce, and the impact of current life events that were affecting me.

3) How did you feel after your work with Tiffany?

After my sessions with Tiffany, I was hooked. She is easy to talk to, patient, and caring. Her methods are gentle and she helps you go deep to release all the things that are stuck. Best of all she teaches you how to continue working and releasing on your own. I highly recommend her.

4) Why did you say Yes to Working with Tiffany?

I said yes and leaped into the programs with both feet. I knew how great I was feeling from my personal healing sessions with Tiffany and I thought these sessions would build upon the healing and releasing that I was doing.

5) What will you take away from your sessions?

I have learned that healing comes from understanding where the issue lies, whether it is from your childhood, from an argument, or from an everyday encounter that made you feel bad. Once you learn where it stems from, you can find a way to release the issues from your life for good. The more you practice Tiffany's methods the easier it is to stay in a healthy emotional state.

Deep Healing & Heaviness was lifted off of Elissa...

“You created such a safe space for me which allowed what needed to be addressed to arise, something that I had buried so deeply. I am blown away how you did what you did and I realized this incident which had been holding me back. The sense of a weight being lifted off my shoulders and I now have such clarity in what I want and where I am heading thank you. I am so looking forward to your workshop being here in Australia soon.”

• Elissa Lippett | Sydney, Australia

Dr. Rick received Healing & attended classes...

“Tiffany Cano is one of the most intuitive, generous and loving teachers who willingly shares her gifts. Anyone who has been in her presence, heard her speak or experienced her laugh has been healed on a spiritual, mental, emotional and physical level. She strives to make everyone’s life be a happy, healthy and prosperous one. I highly recommend Tiffany to anyone seeking higher enlightenment or healing.”

• Dr. Rick Bonar | Sacramento, CA

Alison Increased Her Health & Prosperity...

“Tiffany has helped me to get healthy and stay healthy, even with my demanding schedule. She has truly worked miracles with my body and my capacity for abundance.”

• Alison Armstrong|

About Tiffany Cano

Tiffany has been getting paid for healing since she was 8 years old.

Many empathic, sensitive, spiritual souls hire Tiffany to help them heal their deep core wounds, empower healthy boundaries, because most are overwhelmed, subconsciously guarded, shrink or hide when feeling unsafe. So Tiffany helps you to be more clear, trust your intuition, feel safe to take divinely guided action, and up-level your life.

Bottom line, Tiffany gets you aligned and congruent so that you can be even better at receiving more money, love and joy!

She also is the host of “Soul of An Empath Podcast” and the “Knowing You Show.”

If you're tired of dealing with these problems...

Receive Healing For:

  • Heart Opening

  • Your Blind Spots

  • Self Limiting Beliefs

  • Pro$perity Healing

  • Health & Wellness

  • Hyper-Sensitivities

  • Healing the Past

  • Stress, Fear & Anxiety

  • Holding Space & Boundaries

  • Increasing Clarity & Hope

  • Better Productivity & Action

  • Relationship Healing

  • Burnout & Fatigue

  • Deepening Faith & Trust

  • Inner Child Wounds

  • Feeling Loved, Seen, Heart & Understood

  • and much more!

Marcia received heart opening...

“Tiffany Cano is a profound, mystical and practical healer whose touch and presence have opened my heart and capacity to be a better teacher, woman and human being. Her gifts to me personally and to my communities have been countless, precious and priceless. I highly recommend working with her and turn to her when I need loving care and attention.”

Marcia Maya Weider l

+1 (714) 710-7833